Blog Post Number One

Hi there. How goes it?

Thanks for checking out the first of what I hope will be a long, long series of blog posts. I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for a while now, and I’m beyond excited to get started. This post here is meant to serve as a little introductory statement about the blog and what you all can probably expect from it. Again, though, thanks for tuning in. Truly, it means a lot.

So, what’s it all about, then?

I guess at the most basic level, I intend for this blog to be the opposite of most everything else I write. This will essentially be my space to shoot the shit and ramble about whatever’s on my mind. More often than not, that will probably involve me reviewing or discussing books, movies, comics, music, and general nerd culture. Other times, it might just be me getting my random thoughts down on paper. I hope you all won’t mind if I get a bit indulgent from time to time.

Aside from all of that, I’ve also recently been wondering if I could stand to be a bit more open about the things going on in my life—for those that care to know, at least. I’m also interested in helping myself create healthier writing habits. I hope that by keeping up with a regular, ongoing project like this that I’ll become more principled with my work. Plus, I want to be able to dedicate my time to something fun and worthwhile, aside from all the crazy ideas for stories rattling around inside my head. I think this will be a great way to help with all of that.

On a similar note, this also kind of comes down to me just wanting to do something new. I think we can all relate to the notion of falling into a rut every once in a while. I’ve been in that spot for a bit now, so, again, I’m hoping that writing this blog will help alleviate some of that stress.

And… I think that just about covers it. For now, at least. Honestly, I imagine I’ll be figuring this whole thing out as I go, which should make for some good fun. But again, I’m elated to get started, and I hope you all enjoy what content I have to offer.

Seriously, thanks for reading.

Tune in sometime within the next week for my first proper post: my review of Matt Reeves’ The Batman.