August Recharge

Hey! How’s it going? Good? I sure hope so.

So, August was very much needed. I basically used the month to recharge all my batteries. Emotional. Physical. Mental. The whole nine yards. It was a full month of stealing that last gasp of summer, if you will. I’ve been getting back into my productive routines and working on balancing the new work life with my regular life, and overall, I’m feeling good.

August just had a lot for me to enjoy. Between going out and having fun with my friends, to a bit more of a relaxed work schedule that’s allowed me to get back into my proper writing habits, it was a big win for me. Not even six months into my new job, and I’ve been worried that I’m falling into a crummy new rut. Thankfully, the past month provided a boost that I’ve desperately needed.

As part of getting back into my usual flow, I’m finally doing more writing work. My short story “Soul Survivor” is coming along nicely, and I will assuredly have the second draft finished in short order. On the flip side, though, I’m honestly unsure if my next Blood Sisters story, “Vial,” will be finished by the end of the year, though I know I previously mentioned it probably would be. Of course, I can’t exactly confirm it’s getting pushed back into early next year either. It’s a work in progress, rest assured, as are a bunch of other things, which is fine by me for now. I’m just happy to be confidently writing again. It's been too long.

Another big win for me was the release of I Prevail’s latest album, True Power. I thought about doing a full blog about it, but it didn’t strike any particular chord with me that I felt like I had a whole lot to say about it. That said, I was still very excited for this record, and it did not disappoint. With True Power, I Prevail have practically perfected the trap-metal sound mix that they started going for on their last album, Trauma. This new album is much more refined and consistent, with some powerful lyrics and pounding instrumentals for listeners to enjoy, top to bottom.

Speaking of music, August featured a veritable treasure trove of concerts for me attend, which played a massive role in my uptick in energy and general happiness. The highlight was easily the second weekend of the month, with ERRA on August 13th and Breaking Benjamin on the 14th. I got to see two of my favorite bands back-to-back alongside some of my favorite friends and peeps. Not to mention, I actually got to meet the band members of ERRA as part of a VIP experience. Easily worth the marginally pricier ticket. Additionally, we also had Rage Against the Machine on the 8th, My Chemical Romance on the 27th, and Beartooth to close out the month on the 31st, which were all bangers.

And with the fall right around the corner, I have even more to be excited for. New York Comic-Con. When We Were Young Fest in Las Vegas. A full month of spooky excitement! And, of course, the wonderful sights, sounds, and smells of the season. I’m very ready to get out of this nasty summer heat, as I’m sure many of you are as well.

And yeah, that’s kind of all I have to report otherwise. Which seems weird, because August did in fact have a lot going on, but when I compress it and put it all down on the page like this, I guess it doesn’t actually equate to all that much to write about. Odd.

Well, the bottom line is this: I’m feeling good, and I sure fucking hope you all are as well.